In 2014 public health bureaus expanded work field and started to provide services not only for high schools but for preschools as well. Due to that fact there are no health offices at preschools. Unfortunately, situation in high schools is poor too. Health offices are old, partly equipped or not equipped at all. Some of them have never been repaired or are not suitable for hygiene and safety standarts. Devices, tools and all inventory are old, shabby and some of them even useless.
In Moletai district there are 12 educational institutions and only 6 of them have health offices. In the time of this project it will be established 6 new health offices (1 at preschool). In Panevezys district there are 26 educational institutions and only 12 of them have health offices. In the time of this project it will be established 9 new health offices (4 at preschool), 4 will be repaired (1 at preschool). In Utena district there are 25 educational institutions and 19 of them have health offices. In the time of this project it will be repaired 5 health offices (2 at preschool).
Considering of the amount of received funds, there will be arranged ordinary repair of health offices. All offices will be furnished and provided with required medical and preventive tools and devices for proper health promotion.
The target group of this project are children and public health workers from educational institutions in Moletai, Panevezys and Utena district municipalities.
Without refundable support of 2009-2014 Norwegian financial mechanism, partners are not able to implement this project.